Knowledge Bed - Repository for articles and research

Post your own articles and comments in our new Research Forum!

Article Submission Guidelines

To submit your article, simply fill out the form at the bottom of the page,
and we will contact you if your article has been approved.

As of November 2005, all submissions are now free!
(articles must pass our approval process before they appear online)

Free Article Submission Guidelines (Be careful to follow all guidelines
or your article will not be considered for inclusion in our repository):

1. Articles must not be sales pitches, press releases, or SPAM.
There must be useful information, and it must be formated well (ie. no large blocks of unformatted text, or we will not post it).

2. We allow one outbound link per article. If you put more than one, we will remove them before posting.

3. Article text must be submited in HTML.
Any images must link to your own server.

4. Must be an original article that YOU wrote. KnowledgeBed respects copyrights, and we do not permit submission of anyone's materials but your own.

Article Submission form:

Authored by :
Contact email:
Validation Key (use all lowercase):

This picture is of a

Note: All submissions are screened for approval before going live on our site. Make sure you meet the requirements or it will not be posted. Also, if you don't HTML code your links, WE WON'T DO IT FOR YOU...all submissions we be published AS IS.