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The Matrix - Style and Substance (page 2)

Neo's character arc also helps tell the story. Viewers are with him as he trains, and finally realizes his full potential. They watch as he fails his first jump, but grows to realize he is the one. In a visually stunning scene, Neo stops bullets in mid-air, and is able to look at his surroundings as they truly are; a matrix of one's and zero's.

Many people complain about the casting of Keanu Reeves, but upon further inspection, the casting and directing help tell the story. Although Reeves is somewhat bland for the savior of the human race, this is what makes him perfect for the role. There is nothing heroic about him, and thus he is the mythical reluctant hero. The film is about a burned out man whose spiritual rebirth enables him to overcome impossible obstacles. Reeves plays the confused hero extremely well, and when he does realize his full potential, his acting abilities pull it off. From Neo's unusual meeting with Trinity to his rebirth in the real world, Keanu Reeves embodies mystification and bewilderment. Then, as his character grows spiritually, his confusion is replaced with confidence. His acting is powerful when he overcomes his nemesis, agent Smith, by diving into him and shattering his body. THE MATRIX is also filled with a colorful supporting cast. Laurence Fishburne's slow speaking style makes every word he utters important. His classic lines like, "I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it," will be recited by die-hard fans for decades to come. Hugo Weaving's performance as agent Smith was also exceptional, and at points stole the show.

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